Sales Forecast Detailed


Reports >>Sales Forecast Detailed



Reports >>Sales Forecast Detailed

The Sales Forecast detailed report displays a sub-total and grand-total of the expected revenue from a product(s) sale for selected lead owners in the hierarchy.

The report displays, (1) company name, (2) proposed product, (3) closing date, (4) price, (5) quantity, (6) amount, (7) expected total amount from the sale of products to a lead, and (8) expected grand total amount from the sale of all products to all leads during 1 – 30 – 60 – 90 days, exceeding 90 days, and not forecasted period. The amount and the expected closing date in all proposals is the basis of the sales forecast report. For instance, details of all proposals dispatched in the past 30 days would be stored in the 1 – 30 days section.


  • The grand total amount is the summation of expected total revenue in the selected period.

  • This report can be viewed in an MS Excel sheet or a .PDF file.


To generate Sales Forecast detailed report:

1. Select Leads if you want to generate Sales Forecast detailed report for leads OR Select Accounts if you want to generate Sales Forecast detailed report for accounts.

2. Select user(s) from the hierarchy. You can also select a region, if you want to select user(s) from specific region.

3. Enter probability between 1.00-100.00 if you want.

4. Select product(s) from the list box.

5. Click on Submit.

Related Links

     bullet_new.gif Sales Forecast Consolidated

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